SMS Alerts

Stay connected with SMS Alerts from Seylan Bank. You could get alerted on all transactions you do and also be informed of transaction that you don’t originate, such Standing Order that are processed and or incoming credits to your accounts etc. Please ensure to maintain your current Mobile number with the Bank

The Bank currently has the following SMS based services for you.

Card Alerts

Customers will be automatically registered for this service, and will be alerted of the transactions when Seylan Bank Credit or Debit is used to make payments or when performing a ATM withdrawal. These alerts come “Free of Charge” to the customer.

When will I get these Alerts

  • Credit Card transactions made via ATMs, POS
  • Debit Card transactions made via ATMs, POS
  • One Time Password (OTP) – Internet banking and or Ecommerce transaction

Current & Savings Account Alerts

This service will alert you on transactions that takes place on your Current and or Savings account, may it be Debits or Credits you may have at any time, you will be notified. First 10 transaction-based messages are free for the month, with an additional charge of 1/- per transaction message thereafter. You need to register for the service.

How to Activate?

  • To Activate: for all account
  • Type “CASA YES” and send to 3040

How to Deactivate?

  • To deactivate: for all accounts
  • Type “CASA NO” and send to 3040
  • Please Note: if you wish to “deactivate” alert for specific accounts, visit your account holding branch.

Balance Check SMS Alerts

You can check your Account and or Credit Card Balance through SMS Balance check service from Seylan Bank. This service carries no charge and you will be preregistered. Send all you pull message commands to 3040 to receive your balances.

How to perform a Balance Check on your Current and Saving Account

  • If only single Account: SBK AC (last 4 digits of A/c No.)
  • If one has multiple Account: SBK AC (15 digits long A/c No)
How to perform a Balance Check on Credit Cards

  • If Only a Single card: “SBK CC”
  • If you have Multiple cards: “SBK CC (last 4 digits)”

What is needed to onboard SMS Balance Check

  • Customer needs to CA, SA or Credit Card
  • Registered Mobile Number

Process of onboarding to Current and Saving Account alerts

  • Customers are all pre-registered for the service

Service commands for Cards and Current and Savings Accounts

Credit Cards

  • If Only a Single card: “SBK CC”
  • If you have Multiple cards: “SBK CC (last 4 digits)”
  • Example: SBK CC 4756
  • Send messages to 3040

Current and Savings Accounts

  • If only single Account: SBK AC (last 4 digits of A/c No.)
  • If one has multiple Account: SBK AC (15 digits long A/c No.)
  • Example: SBK AC 011017889445102Example: SBK AC 4569
  • Send messages to 3040